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5 Safe Boating Tips to Remember this Season
Corinthian Marine has always been an advocate of safe boating practices. Here are 5 top tips to keep you and your family safe on the water this season:
1. Don’t Boat Alone!
Many boating incidents of the past could have been avoided if only the Captain brought along a First Mate! While this might not be possible 100% of the time, technology has progressed to a point that certainly makes solo-boating safer. Make sure you have a working radio on board, and always let someone on land know your plans, most importantly, when you plan to return.
2. Check the Weather BEFORE You Head Out
While your AquaMat® flooring might be able to withstand a beating, the rest of your boat might not! Waves, wind and rain can all wreak havoc on improperly outfitted boats – this goes for inshore and offshore boats alike. It is easier than ever to check for high surf warnings, storm watches, and small craft advisories, so it is a good practice to get in even if the sky looks clear. A good starting point is NOAA’s weather radio stations, and there are a multitude of apps available that offer real time radar and storm data.
3. Know Who Has the Right-of-Way
This tip becomes even more so important during the busiest months of the season, when everyone is excited to get out onto the water and start having fun. Water travel has its own entirely separate code of conduct from the rules of the road most are familiar with. The US Coast Guard maintains a set of navigational guidelines that help to standardize best practices for boaters. It is especially important to keep these rules in mind when traveling through busy waterways and channels.
4. Life Jacket Maintenance and Use
The age old saying “the best life jacket is the one you will wear” is a great motto to remember when unpacking your boating supplies for the upcoming season. The Coast Guard as well as other top boating authorities recommend wearing a life jacket anytime you are on a boat on the water. However if this is not possible, make sure you’ve got some kind of Personal Flotation Device on the boat for each person on board. For more tips on keeping your lifejackets clean, ensuring they fit properly, and other important information visit the Safe Boating Campaign’s page on life jacket use.
5. Stay Clear of the Prop’!
The ‘prop’ refers to the propeller attached to your boat’s engine! This thing is sharp, spins at a high rate of speed and is located underwater, making it exceptionally hard to see. Every year there are countless accidents that could’ve been avoided had the captain shut off the engine appropriately. Any time you have swimmers in the water near the boat, or partygoers jumping off your sweet brand new AquaWeave™ flooring, the engine needs to be off!

Boating is a wonderful experience, providing relaxation, adventure and thrill. It is essential to remember that boats are powerful machines that require respect, care and attention! If you want to give your boat extra attention this season, consider new flooring from Corinthian Marine!